The BAB Totem Poles at Inter-Action, Milton Keynes
Designed, carved and painted at Inter-Action by members of the Bucks Association for the Blind and Partially Sighted. I provided the freshly cut green oak logs and helped with the roughing out and final trimming.
300cm x 25cm
During March and April 2007 I worked with some members of the Bucks Association for the Blind and Partially Sighted. Not only was I introducing woodcarving skills to beginners, which I do regularly, I also had to accommodate how I did this to each person's varying level of sight. Most had some degree of sight and worked very ably, a couple of people were totally blind and did what they could with great courage and patience. While I provided the timber and tools, the design and most of the hard work was done by the group. I roughed out the carving with an Arbortech disc cutter and helped with the final trimming.